CA trip additions

Coolness. The cool thing about social networking sites is that friends randomly mail you to say “hey, dude, you should…when you’re…”. This is, of course, the reason I tend to be a little vocal about my plans – you never know when your friend in Dubai is going to mail and say he’s hanging out in San Francisco at the same time. Looks like I get to catch up with Chris, Pete and a few others. I’ve added the following to my itinerary:

* Surfing. I’m stopping en route to LA for some surfing lessons. Called up the surfing school earlier and kicked off that process. I’m looking at spending an afternoon, and if it goes well, the school isn’t far from LA anyway to go back.
* Shooting. I’ve never fired a gun in my life so the option to try target practice just once does appeal. Let’s keep the gun discussion down to “I’ll try it once”. Looks like I might get to try this en route back from Yosemite.
* Palo Alto. Hanging out. I’ll see if I can swing by on my way back from Yosemite before I start driving down the coast.


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