Portable Power

[ from the hmmmm-ok dept. ]

So I took the UPS to campus today, gave me over 6 hours of runtime, which is enough for a full day of work…finally. If they won’t let me plug in to the mains then I’ll take it with me – but I am still after a smaller, lighter one. If you have one then please drop me a line about it.

Handed in the hardware request stuff and resisted putting anything I knew would be turned down – like useful things, Mot dev kits, etc. that would actually help out. Heh, I’ve decided MOL might be just what I need for development, if I can dump registers and so forth from a running instance. I have MacOS 9 running in a Window now with all the features I want except for OpenGL (which would be useful for quake3). Still, I’m interested in finding out how people get OS X to behave properly – it’s not running for me yet.

I enjoyed Birmingham, it was fun. Which beats the previous few times because I used to think it sucked donkey’s nads. Didn’t get mugged, and nothing particularly bad happened except for missing a train on Wednesday evening. Went to Star Bucks obviously – though didn’t look for wireless this time.

I need to get some stuff – principally some small PDA device running Debian or a small UNIX for my hacking pleasure. I hope to get a PIC with USB next week if my programmer can handle it, that would be cool, as the documentation seems to suggest their provided firmware does most of the nasty USB communications for you (very nice, saves hours and I can always write that bit another time).

I might go to London this weekend but I am in Birmingham on Sunday anyway so who knows :-)


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