Stolen camera, new camera, and hiking in Marin County

Photo: Marin County Hiking.

So I’ve been hanging out in the Haight, a cool part of San Francisco, but also a little risque when it comes to leaving a camera on the seat of your car. Mine was sitting there for at most a few minutes (though I’m not even sure it was in the car) but it’s long gone now. Still, it seems that I’m doomed to purchase a new camera every 12 months these days – picked up a new Nikon in Best Buy for a couple hundred bucks (same as the old one, but 7 megapixels, not 4, and various other bits). I lost a few cool shots of San Francisco but was reminded why I like to sync my photos online fairly regularly. I’ve been playing all afternoon since I got it – went hiking in Marin County and took photos of the landscape as we went.

Tomorrow: Yosemite. Tonight: Staying up in Marin County.


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