Marriage should be “in the hands of the people” – Bush

So George Bush says that Gay Marriage undermines families and that decisions about whether to allow it should be in the hands of the people. There’s just one tiny little problem with that… If you want to let people decide whether they’re happy with gay marriage, then, just allow it. Those who want to get married can do so and those who don’t can go give a surmon about it instead. People who live in the stone age and dislike allowing others to do what they want with their own lives might want to consider a career in a totalitarian regime – there are positions opening up all the time in the Middle East these days.


One Response to “Marriage should be “in the hands of the people” – Bush”

  1. Jimbo says:

    If you want to let people decide if they’re happy with fox hunting, then, just allow it. Those who want to hunt foxes can do so and those who don’t can go give a sermon about it instead.

    If you want to let people decide if they’re happy with smoking in public places, then, just allow it. Those who suffer nicotine addictions and smoke in public to satisfy them can do so, and those who don’t can go give a sermon about it instead.

    Fish, barrel, howitzer….

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