Brave New Jon – Climbing

So I’ve been going down to Metrorock in Boston (it’s off the Orange line, then a drive from the T stop – free shuttle too) for a few weeks. I suck, but I’m getting a little better. Mostly, I lack upper body strength to support myself one handed while swinging and reaching, or anything funky. But still, the only way to get better is to keep trying – and I will do that. I definitely feel physically better for all the exercise I’m getting.

I’ve decided I’ll probably join a local gym after all. I’m not happy with the BSC opening hours and they’re a little too LCD (lowest common denominator) in that they’re right on my doorstep. So, I’m still looking around Cambridge for a good gym recommendation – especially one open until (or preferably after) midnight. On a related note, I’m debating about killing my cable TV subscription – I got a TV and cable to make my apartment more hospitable to visitors, but it’s just me now, and I’m not sure I really watch enough TV to have the full package – might see if I can find a way to keep Comedy Central; I can watch BBC/CNN online.

Time to pack for hiking in Joshua Tree tomorrow.


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